Donatello (Don) Arienzo

I am a post-doctoral fellow in Jay’s lab.  I graduated from Universita Politecnica delle Marchein Italy with a major in Biomedical Engineering.  I obtained a Ph.D. in functional neuroimaging at the University of Chieti in Italy.  I conducted my doctoral research at Columbia University investigating visual mapping of somatosensory areas. As postdoctoral fellow I worked on brain mapping in clinical population with mood and anxiety disorders at UCLA and in preclinical and clinical pediatric population with mood disorders at UIC.  My expertise is in multimodal imaging, focusing on visual processing.  In Jay’s lab, I am studying reorganization of visual processing in macular degeneration patients.


Ferretti A, Del Gratta C, Babiloni C, Caulo M, Arienzo D, Tartaro A, Rossini P M., Romani G L.Functional topography of the secondary somatosensory cortex for nonpainful and painful stimulation of median and tibial nerve: an fMRI study. NeuroImage 2004 Nov; 23(3): 1217 – 25.

Arienzo D, Babiloni C, Ferretti A, Caulo M, Del Gratta C, Tartaro A, Rossini PM, Romani GL. Somatotopy of  the Anterior Cingulate Cortex and Supplementary Motor Area (SMA) for electric stimulation of the median and tibial nerves: an fMRI study. Neuroimage 2006 Nov; 33(2):700-705.

Ferretti A, Babiloni C, Arienzo D, Del Gratta C, Rossini PM, Tartaro A, Romani GL. Cortical brain responses during nonpainful median nerve stimulations at low frequencies (0.5-4 Hz). An fMRI study. Human Brain Mapping 2007 Jul; 28(7): 645-53.

Arienzo D, Romeo P, Battaglia F. Cortical direct current for the tratment of minor depressiion in HIV-positive persons. Neurology 2008 Marc; 70(11): A255.

Howard J., Holst B., Klster I., Arienzo D. MRI and clinical characteristics of African versus Caucasian Americans with multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis 2009 Sep; 15(9): 212-13

Madsen S, Moody TD, Bohan C, Strober M, Arienzo D, Feusner J. Hypoconnectivity in anorexia nervosa and hyperconnectivity in body dysmorphic disorder when viewing images of bodies. Biological Psychiatry 2012 Apr; 71(8): 194s.

Howard J., Battaglini M., Babb JS., Arienzo D., Holst B., Omari M., De Stefano N., Herbert J. Inglese M. MRI correlates of disability in African-Americans with multiple sclerosis. PLoS One 2012 Aug; 7(8): e43061.

Leow A, Zhan L, Arienzo D, GadElkarim J, Zhang A, Ajilore O, Kumar A, Thompson P, Fuesner J. Hierarchical structural mapping for globally optimized estimation of functional networks. Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv. 2012; 15(2):228-36.

Leow A, Zhan L, Ajilore O, GadElkarim J, Zhang A, Arienzo D, Moody T, Fuesner J, Kumar A, Thompson P, Altshuler L.  MEASURING INTER-HEMISPHERIC INTEGRATION IN BIPOLAR AFFECTIVE DISORDER USING BRAIN NETWORK ANALYSES AND HARDI. Proc IEEE Int Symp Biomed Imaging 2012:5-8.

Leow A, Ajilore O, Zhan L, Arienzo D, GadElkarim J, Zhang A, Moody T, Van Horn J, Fuesner J, Kumar A, Thompson P, Altshuler L.  Impaired inter-hemispheric integration in bipolar disorder revealed with brain network analyses. Biological Psychiatry 2013 Jan; 73(2): 183-193.

Arienzo D, Leow A, Brown JA, Zhan L, GadElkarim J, Hovav S, Feusner J. Abnormal brain network organization in body dysmorphic disorder. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2013 Jan; doi: 10.1038/npp.2013.1

Feusner JD, Arienzo D, Li W, Zhan L, GadElkarim J, Thompson PM, Leow A. White matter microstructure in body dysmorphic disorder and its clinical correlates. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 2013 Jan; pii: S0925-4927(12)00279-X. doi: 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2012.11.001.

Li W, Arienzo D, Feusner J. Body Dysmorphic Disorder: Neurobiological Features and an Updated Model.  Zeitschrift fur Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie. (In press).